After-Hours Emergency Support

Due to limited resources, we have had to adjust the emergency support Bluetent is able to offer specific to after business hours. We are no longer able to offer fee based after-hours support and are limiting our emergency support to emergencies which are preventing bookings or are affecting all or large portions of your website.
This helps us get the right person on the job faster.

What is happening on your site? (Please note that if your after-hours issue is not related to one of the below categories, we will not able to address it during after-hours and it will be assigned to a support representative the next business day.)

If related to one of the above true emergency support categories, have you also validated there is not already and existing issue with your Property Management Software (PMS) provider? Please note that many seeming website outages are directly related to outages or degradation in service from PMS providers. Thus, we highly recommend you also open a case with your PMS provider.

Detailed steps to recreate the issue. (Please note that if we are not able to replicate the issue; your ticket will be assigned to a support representative the next business day.)

Are you noticing this issue consistently or intermittently?

What errors and/or messages are you seeing on the page or pages that are not working as expected? Please provide examples in the below text field.

URL where you are experiencing this issue.

When did you first notice this issue or hear a report of it?

ATTACHMENTS: Once you submit this request you will receive an email confirming your case creation. We ask that you please reply to that email with any attachments that should go along with this submission.

Thank you for submitting an emergency ticket.

If it meets after-hours emergency criteria, we will review your issue and begin working on it as soon as possible. You will receive a response if we need additional information, if we have any updates for you, or when the issue is resolved. All other tickets that do not meet emergency criteria will be assigned to a support representative the next business day.